
Brown (and) A Broad

I’m a Mexico-based solo female travel expert, magazine editor and content creator, who prefers getting to know a destination via slow travel, rather than more fast-pace, on-the-go tourism.

I inspire and help women build the skills and confidence to move abroad and create the remote life they’ve always dreamed of.

The Perfect Sensitivity Reader Can Ensure Your Book Isn't Problematic Trash. Here's What To Expect When Hiring a Diversity Editor

The Perfect Sensitivity Reader Can Ensure Your Book Isn't Problematic Trash. Here's What To Expect When Hiring a Diversity Editor

If you’ve been working in publishing or the media within the past two years, chances are you’ve heard of a sensitivity reader, even if you’re not quite sure what they are, and who would even need them. A sensitivity reader is an editor of sorts who reads a manuscript or other written work with an eye for stereotypes and issues in the representation of people or cultures outside of the author’s lived experience. Much like the work of a regular editor, I conduct a thorough read of the material, giving notes on possible, specific issues.

 I got into this work by happenstance two years ago when I happened to answer a call for someone looking for a sensitivity reader for an article they were writing on sexual assault. My job was to make sure she didn’t write anything offensive to survivors of abuse. The writer, Diane Rapino wrote me a testimonial, that led to my first full-length manuscript read for Suzanne Roberts. Things snowballed from there and now I not only do edits for independent writers, but publishing houses, educational companies, marketing firms, and even schools.


Who Needs A Sensitivity Reader Anyway?

 When I first started I’d have said the type of person that hires a diversity editor is one who cares about diversity and creating work that is free and void of stereotypes, or someone who is interested in doing as little harm with their work as possible. By large I think that’s still true, BUT as more and more people are waking up, so to speak, many people and companies are just pretending to care.

 What I’ve started to see is people and brands coming to me almost as if it’s just another box to tick of and get out of the way. Some people aren’t prepared to hear that what they’ve written or produced is tone deaf or racist, even if that’s the job I was hired to do.

 Generally speaking, creatives who are writing or creating a work of art outside of their lived experience should think about hiring a sensitivity reader. Examples include if you are writing characters of another race, if you’re writing about a different culture than your own­­­-this can extend to gender and sexuality even. Writers aren’t the only ones that can benefit from this service. As diversity editing has become more common, I’ve taken on assignment for filmmakers and PR firms, and even textbook companies.


 How To Find a Sensitivity Reader

 Thanks to Beyonce’s internet, finding a sensitivity reader isn’t that hard. If you don’t want to hire me, there are websites and databases around the web that can be of help. Binders Full of Sensitivity Readers for instance, has a handy-dandy form that you can fill out if you’re looking to hire for a project. Salt & Sage has a robust list of sensitivity editors with different specialties.

 Sometimes when I’m looking for new gigs, I throw hashtags like #sensitivityreader or #blacksensitivityreader into twitter or Instagram to see what comes up. I recon it can work the same for those looking for an editor.


What To Expect When Hiring an Authenticity Editor?

 Expect to pay a fair, market-rate fee. This is not volunteer work, and the people who do this type of thing are bringing not only their lived experience to the table, but also whatever educational/social justice backgrounds they may have. Not to mention many people, including myself, can find this type of work emotionally taxing. Rates are often listed on individual websites but if you are unsure of what is fair, the Editorial Freelance Association has created a chart with medium rate averages.


I’ve Hired a Diversity Editor, That’s All, right?

 Hiring a sensitivity editor isn’t all that’s necessary to ensure diversity, you must actually do the work. This means doing research on the people, culture, or concept that you are writing about. This doesn’t mean just watching reruns of Living Single or Insecure, or listening to a few Kendrick Lamar tracks. In fact, a good hack I tell clients is when it comes to other races and genders, to create or pull inspiration from people they know. Terry Crews on Brooklyn 99 is not a real person–don’t create characters based on fictional people or celebs you don’t know and have never met.

But isn’t this just censorship?

 Um, not really. Some critics of sensitivity reading think it’s little more than censorship, but that’s really not the case. When used effectively, authenticity reader can actually ensure that the piece of work is as accessible as possible. It’s also good to remember that your reader’s suggestions are just that: suggestions. It’s ultimately up to you to decide if you agree or not and what to do with the material going forward.


Ready to get to work? Get in touch for your 15 minute discovery call.





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